Obtaining Lawful Permanent Residence is what is typically referred to as obtaining a “green card.” Lawful Permanent Residence allows foreign nationals to live and work in the United States permanently.

There are various ways through which you may obtain Lawful Permanent Residence including the following:

  1. an immigrant visa petition filed by a relative
  2. an immigrant visa petition filed by an employer
  3. EB-1A Extraordinary Ability Self-Petition
  4. EB-5 Investor Self-Petition
  5. Relief from Removal
  6. an application for asylum.

Additionally, obtaining Permanent Residence can be done here in the United States through Adjustment of Status or at a consulate abroad via Consular Processing.

A Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR), is different from a U.S. citizen, mainly in that a LPR can still be removed (deported) from the U.S. if he engages in certain criminal or other conduct in violation of U.S. laws. An LPR can also be found to have abandoned his permanent residency if he is outside of the United States for too long. Thus, it is very important for LPRs to seek the advice of immigration counsel prior to any extended trips abroad and subsequent to the commission of any unlawful activity.